On this page, you can find out what MUN is, why you should start participating and read a few testiMUNials from active and former members.
What is MUN?
Model United Nations (also Model UN or MUN) is an academic simulation of the United Nations, in which participants assume the role of an ambassador of a chosen country to discuss current events and global concerns.
Model United Nations participants meet to role-play as diplomats representing a country in a simulated session of a committee of the United Nations. The goal of the committee? To adopt a resolution which will attempt to help to solve the discussed issue. The goal of each delegate? To adopt a resolution which will be conforming to the interests of the country they represent.
Before defending the position of their country in the debate, participants dive into extensive research of their temporary homeland and investigate global concerns to be prepared for when they step on the world stage of diplomacy and international politics.
The concept follows a long tradition. MUN itself surprisingly is older than the United Nations themselves - academic simulations of the League of Nations gained popularity across the United States soon after the signing of the treaty of Versailles. Later, shortly after the United Nations was born in 1945, US-American college students began to organize UN simulations. Today, the MUN idea is highly popular among students all over the world, and there are a plethora of MUN conferences one can attend. Today, other political institutions, such as, but not limited to, the European Union, NATO, G20, various international courts or domestic legislative bodies are simulated as well.
Debates usually take place in English and sometimes in the other five languages of the UN. On certain occasions, simulations can also be organized in the student’s home country’s language, however.
When institutions are simulated, we follow diplomatic conduct and their Rules of Procedure. They are the rules to our game and determine how formal as well as informal debate flows in a committee. Different political bodies have different Rules of Procedure, and there might be variations across various societies and conferences around the world. Most of those rules follow a similar pattern, however. Make yourself familiar with the RoP used by MUN Mannheim:
M.U.N. is F.U.N.
Why MUN?
Never had time to inform yourself about the current global issues? Or on the contrary, you know a lot but don’t have an opportunity to exchange this knowledge with others? In all cases, Model UN will provide you with a whole lot of fresh expertise and insight on the problems the world faces today.
Although being a political simulation, a Model UN gathers together students of many different disciplines and interests. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know people with whom you might take the cooperation well beyond the MUN framework as well as meet the real-life diplomats and the UN officials.
If you have a fear of speaking in front of people, then you’re in the right place to lose it. Model UN is a perfect opportunity to get others to listen to you, become more convincing, practice your delivery and improve your ability to improvise.
Make Friends
Attending conferences, you will meet a whole lot of new people from around the world and of different backgrounds. After many heated debates and even hotter parties, every participant leaves with new friends made, guaranteed.
Think Critically
You will find yourself in a very dynamic environment, where one speech or a decision can change the fate of the whole debate. To stay in the game, you will develop a skill to react quickly and be very clinical with your decisions.
With MUN, you will get an excellent chance to see many different cities and countries all over the world. For instance, while taking part in the Harvard WorldMUN, the MUN Mannheim’s delegation has travelled everywhere, from Canada and Panama to Italy. Next destination: Tokyo, Japan.
Become the specialist in diplomacy by lobbying yourself towards success. You will learn to develop relationships and build a strong team. You cannot succeed in the committee without the support of others.
Jonas Neller
Hey everybody,
my name is Jonas and I´m studying Economics in my final year here in Mannheim. I first got involved with MUN when my then to become President Gloria whom I had first met a couple of hours before dragged me to the MUN Mannheim booth during my first day of University and introduced me to the world of MUN. It took no time at all for me to get infected with the ever so famous MUN-fever. I immediately got hooked on the concept of debating political topics from various angles, taking on perspectives contrary to one´s own, mastering the art of simultaneously defending one´s positions and making a step towards others and most importantly, of disrupting a potentially fruitful debate by choosing to represent whatever country holds the most controversial positions on a given topic, only to then give fundamentalist speeches and throw random accusations across the committee, giving both the constructive delegates and chairs something to cry about. Over the past years, I participated in numerous conferences both internationally and within Germany and served as Vice President in the 2018/2019 term. If I had to pick my favorite conference, it would have to be Kamun 2018. It is the conference to first attend as a freshman and never fails to amaze. As a head Whilst the concept of MUN was what first got me interested, what made me stay, were the fascinating and impressive personalities from all over the world I got to meet, many of whom have become some of my closest friends. Looking back, memories of heated debates, escalated crisis sessions, improvised speeches come to mind. Memories of sitting on the floor in front of the committee room an hour before session starts, to quickly merge position papers and to then fight over who gets to present them. Memories of raising my placard every time the chairs asked to and every time they didn´t in a committee of 300 people, lucky to be given the floor for a minute once a day. But also memories of strolling through the streets of Madrid eating at every Tapas Bar we could find and of climbing onto, but mostly lying under, palm trees in Panama, convinced we just must have fallen through a postcard.
I can fully recommend MUN to anyone interested in what´s going on in the world and outside their bubble. Debating actual topics of great importance and taking on different viewpoints is educating and broadens your horizon. But MUN is so much more than „just“ a debating club. It has a unique way, probably naturally though its setting, of bringing together diverse people from different backgrounds and connecting them through what they´re passionate about. But don´t take my word for it – try it out yourself!
Gloria Gerhardt
Course of studies at the University of Mannheim:
Political Science.
When did you first get involved in MUN?
I got involved in MUN during my first semester at uni. I had actually checked out the list of initiatives Mannheim had to offer prior to starting the semester and knew directly that MUN would be the right fit for me.
Years you have participated in MUN Mannheim:
During my freshman year I attended the weekly debate sessions and during my second year of University I served as president of MUN Mannheim. Now that I’m not an active member anymore, I still like to follow up on what’s going on in the society and always look forward to attending alumni meetings.
Favourite conference attended:
Definitely Harvard WorldMUN 2018 in Panama! I had the most amazing time there (and afterwards during our delegation vacation at the San Blas Islands), I met incredible people and will never forget this experience!
Most memorable happening doing MUN?
I honestly can’t decide on one specific memory. I would generally say the social part after debates or during numerous MUN parties is probably my favorite memory of the whole experience. Other than that, I really loved the alumni meeting in London and the Workshop Weekend we organized as WorldMUN Prep during my time on the MUN board.
Why would you recommend doing MUN?
MUN is definitely a very time-consuming (and expensive) hobby but I honestly think that the people you meet and just everything you experience (especially at international conferences) is one of a kind, extremely eye-opening and something you wouldn’t get to see anywhere else.
What did/do you like best about Mannheim?
I really appreciate about Mannheim that everyone kind of lives nearby and close to the university (after traveling 60min to uni in Madrid everyday). And I really like its international atmosphere.
Do you have any advice for younger students?
It probably sounds super cliché but honestly, three years go by really fast, so try to make the best out of your time in Mannheim, don’t stress too much (easier said than done) and of course -join MUN ;)
Sofía García Durrer
Course of studies at the University of Mannheim:
Political Science and Economics.
When did you first get involved in MUN?
I joined Model United Nations to improve my English and speech skills when I was about to finish school. With some friends we also organized our own society and started to establish some partnerships with other German schools in South America. Since then, I have really enjoyed the concept of MUN conferences - especially the part, where you get to travel with your friends at a ridiculously cheap price.
Years you have participated in MUN Mannheim:
I got involved with the MUN society in Mannheim during my first semester at the University (HWS 2017) and I was also Account Auditor last year.
Favourite conference attended:
My favourite conference was the WorldMUN 2018 in Panama. It was the largest conference I have attended so far, and I found it impressing to see so many people reunited at the same place, debating,and trying to find a common ground. The socials were also great, with a lot of reggaeton parties.
Why would you recommend doing MUN?
I would recommend doing MUN to everyone wanting to meet incredible people and have lots of fun. MUN conferences are the best scenarios to learn about the world in a practical way. There is no better way to be globally aware than by giving yourself the chance to talk, understand, actively exchange ideas and even a couple of drinks or dance moves with other delegates, who come from hugely different backgrounds all over the globe. In the aftermath you will develop a big and diverse network of highly enthusiastic alumni from your MUN club and other very cool people you have met at conferences.