MaMUN 2025 Conference
MAMUN was one of Germany’s most famous MUN conferences, which took place between 2010 and 2016 in the Mannheim baroque castle. After two long years of online conferences, due to COVID-19, we were extremely excited to revive our beloved conference and introduce: MAMUN 2022 - Renaissance + MAMUN 2024 Charting the Future - Reshaping the Past. After having hosted two extremely successful and inspiring conferences, we are working hard to prepare MAMUN 2025 this spring.
To make it all possible, we're looking for support from the MUN community and our sponsors. Get in touch to find out how you can get involved and join us for an unforgettable journey into the world of Model UN.
MUN Mannheim offers a weekly opportunity for members to discuss the most pressing global issues of our time, all while building friendships and connections in a relaxed atmosphere. Our sessions are held in English and follow the traditional MUN format, with assigned countries and topics. However, unlike other clubs, we don't require strict attendance - members can drop in and out at any time. Our sessions provide a great way for beginners to learn about MUN and prepare for conferences.
Formal debate typically lasts until 8:30 pm, but our discussions often continue into informal gatherings where members can plan conference trips and engage in lively discussions about international politics. Join us each Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the main building of the University of Mannheim and experience the dynamic and exciting world of MUN for yourself!
Debates - Autumn and Winter 2024:
11.09.2024 - Kick-Off
18.09.2024 - Balancing Environmental Protection with Economical Development
25.09.2024 - Strengthening International Labor Standards
02.10.2024 - Maritime Security in the South Chinese Sea
09.10.2024 - Adressing the Global Labor Migration Crisis
Running dinner
23.10/30.10.2024 Reforming the WTO
13.11./20.11.2024 Fun Session: Controlling the World from the shadows
Debates - Spring 2025: Coming Soon
00.00.2025 - Session
00.00.2025 - Session
00.00.2025 - Session
00.00.2025 - Session
00.00.2025 - Session
00.00.2025 - Session
00.00.2025 - Session
MUN Mannheim has a tradition of organizing events for the students, including workshops and talks by fascinating speakers. Among our guests were German federal television anchor Klaus Kleber and former UN diplomat Hans-Christof von Sponeck. Throughout the academic year 2024/25, we have planned several events - each of which will present a unique opportunity of socialising and networking.
Events - Fall 2024:
16.10.2024 - Running Dinner
Halloween Party
08.11 - 10.11,2024 MAMUN delegation goes to KAMUN!
Events - Spring 2025 (Coming Soon)
Every year MUN Mannheim sends 4-6 delegations, representing our society and university, to international and domestic conferences, where the United Nations and various other governing bodies are simulated in competitive debates. Delegates defend the position of an assigned role as a country representative and participate in the composition of a legal document, which they try to influence in their delegations favor. Weeks or months in advance of a conference, they extensively research the issue and their assigned stance and train during our weekly sessions or designated pre-conference preparations. Mannheim delegates often are among the best and frequently receive Best Delegate- and Diplomacy-awards. Being part of a conference delegation is a strong bonding experience as fellow delegates often return from a trip as friends. One also makes connections to many like-minded students and professionals from all over the world. Generally, the atmosphere at MUN conferences is very social - this is why we also embrace single delegations. Starting from 2019, we financially support the conference trips of society members.
Conferences are a rewarding experience for both seasoned debaters striving for academic excellence and beginners seeking new challenges. To account for experience, conferences often feature committees in different categories, usually ranging from Beginner to Expert. There is no reason to be afraid of diving into the MUN world, and it is never too late to start.
In the academic year 2021/22 we sent delegations to Malta, Tel-Aviv, St. Gallen, Karlsruhe, Edinburgh, Tanger. In the year 2024 we were represented in Copenhagen and Konstanz.
Learn more about our planned trips.