International Press Corps

Attention delegates, get ready to sharpen your pencils and pack your notepads, because the International Press Corps is here to report! We may not have the same credentials as CNN or the BBC, but we have something even better - a press pass and a sense of humor. We'll be covering everything from the heated debates to the not-so-heated coffee breaks. So, delegates, be careful what you say and do, because with the power of the press corps behind us, we might just make you famous!


The International Press Corps is a special committee that plays a crucial role in the MAMUN conference. Delegates will assume the role of journalists from renowned international press and report on the progress made in the various committees. They will also have the opportunity to influence the political actions within the committees through their articles. While the reporting will not be published outside the conference, it can have a significant impact on the debates and decision-making process. The International Press Corps will need to be objective and thorough in their reporting to ensure that their articles accurately reflect the proceedings of the committees. This committee will provide delegates with a unique opportunity to engage in media coverage and enhance their skills in journalism and diplomacy.

TEASER | How might events unfold at the MAMUN 2023?

As the MAMUN 2023 conference heated up, the International Press Corps was on the scene, working tirelessly to report on the developments in each committee. In the UNHCR committee, tensions were high as delegates struggled to agree on a course of action. But the press corps was there, capturing every word and gesture and broadcasting it to the world. In the NATO committee, things were getting heated as delegates debated Russian and Chinese Military Influence in Conflicts on the African Continent. As the discussions grew more intense, the press corps' coverage became even more crucial. Their reporting exposed the cracks in the alliance and put pressure on delegates to find a resolution. But it was in the Crisis Committee that things really began to heat up. As the press corps reported on the events of A Burning Cedar Tree: The Lebanese Civil War of 1980, they uncovered a plot to sabotage the peace talks. With their reporting as evidence, the committee was able to root out the saboteurs and prevent the talks from falling apart.

In the end, the International Press Corps' reporting had a major impact on the outcome of the conference. Thanks to their tireless work, delegates were held accountable for their actions, alliances were tested, and peace was saved. It was a thrilling and unforgettable experience, one that proved the power of the press corps in shaping the course of international events.

Your Chairs

Florence New

My name is Florence, and I’m a second year student studying Politics at the University of Exeter. I’ve been doing MUN for a year and a half, and I’m so excited to be chairing at Mannheim, especially since I’ve never been to Germany before. I’m looking forward to working with delegates in the IPC and can’t wait to meet everyone at MAMUN 2023!

Noa Ilona

Hey everyone! My name is Noa and I am a 21 year old German-Israeli. I am studying Gender Studies and Political Science at Tel Aviv University, where I am the Head of Communications for Tel Aviv University MUN and part of the secretariat for TLVMUN 2023. I am super excited to return to Germany for MAMUN this year and to have the possibility to chair in the Press Corps! You better come, it is going to be fire!