Einträge in Delegations
Largest delegation ever enjoyed their trip to ScotMUN X

This year the amazing number of 22 delegates found their way to Edinburgh to attend ScotMUN X. Since Scotland’s premier MUN conference is famous for their high-quality debates as well as for their socials, it is a tradition for MUN Mannheim to attend this incredible event every year anew. This year attendance was remarkable and we sent our largest MUN Mannheim delegation ever!

ScotMUN 2016 - Glamorous Mannheim Delegation

A grand total of twelve delegates of MUN Mannheim made their way through five countries all the way to Edinburgh to attend ScotMUN IX in early March. The premier Scottish MUN conference promised and delivered exciting debates, interesting solutions to unresolved issues and the famed ScotMUN socials.
Delegates of MUN Mannheim were present in every ScotMUN committee except the ICJ the UNSC and due to an unfortunate illness, the UK General Election committee, with our former vice president Hannes Hahn chairing in the IMF. In these committees our Delegates discussed a wide array of issues ranging from the issue of female suicide bombers in UN Women to resolving water conflicts in DISEC. It was in this very committee, that our delegation member and University of Mannheim alumni Philipp Sander won best delegate as representative of Sweden.
